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Doa Anak Muslim

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Kids' Islamic Prayer Guide with Audio & Translations for Daily Use

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The Doa Anak Muslim app serves as a comprehensive resource for the daily prayers of Muslim children, complete with Arabic text, Latin transliteration, translations, and audio recitations. Tailored to assist children and teenagers in learning and memorizing prayers, the application is suitable for adults who seek a refresher or new learners embarking on their spiritual journey.

With a simple, clean, and appealing interface, it is designed to enhance the learning experience and improve user engagement. It's compatible with both smartphones and tablets, running at least Android version 2.3.3. The digital platform intelligently adjusts the size of its content to fit the screen of the device used, ensuring a seamless user experience.

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Key features include a full set of daily prayers for various occasions, such as prayers before and after meals, before sleep, upon waking, and during other routine activities. Additionally, the audio recitations are performed by children, making them relatable and easier for young users to follow and emulate.

Inside, users will find prayers for a variety of contexts such as seeking blessings for parents, before studying, when entering or leaving the home, using transportation, and during natural occurrences like rain or wind. The inclusion of supplications associated with personal grooming and dressing provides a holistic approach to incorporating prayer within daily life.

There are plans to expand the content in the future, which indicates a commitment to continuous improvement and the addition of new features.

In short, Doa Anak Muslim is an invaluable tool for families aiming to instill religious values and practices in their everyday life, ensuring that the essence of prayer is accessible and readily available at one's fingertips.

This review has been crafted using the insights provided by AiraSoft.

Requirements (Latest version)

  • Android 5.0 or higher required

Information about Doa Anak Muslim 3.7

Package Name com.doaanakmuslim
License Free
Op. System Android
Category Comics & Book Readers
Language English
Author AiraSoft
Downloads 2,809
Date Dec 24, 2020
Content Rating +3
Advertisement Not specified
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Older versions

apk 3.7 Android + 5.0 Feb 13, 2024
apk 2.2 Android + 10 Jul 23, 2016
apk 1.2.5 Android + 4.0, 4.0.1, 4.0.2 Jun 17, 2016

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